Get Y2K patches and updates for common applications
Name Size Description
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cpw9512.exe 785k Catch-UP 1.2. A Web-based software updating service that
automatically searches for the newest versions of many popular
Internet-distributed applications and drivers. more info
sr2chk.exe 121k Office 97 Version Checker. more info 6k new version! SRhelper v2.0. If you have problem applying Microsoft
Office 97 Service Release 1 or Service Release 2, try that simple
patch. That might be just the solution. more info If you use
downloader plugin (e.g. Go!Zilla), use this link -
sr1off97.exe 8.47MB Office 97 Service Release 1(SR-1). more info
SR2bOF97.EXE 23.0MB Office 97 Service Release 2b (SR-2b). more info
Sp75y2k.exe 710k Schedule+ Version 7.5 Year 2000 Software Update. more info
Although Schedule+ comes with MS Office it is not updated by MS Office
patches, i.e. SR-1 or SR-2. When prompted, extract it into your
MS Schedule+ folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office).
sp7ay2k.exe 670k Schedule+ Version 7.0a Year 2000 Software Update. more info
Although Schedule+ comes with MS Office it is not updated by MS Office
patches, i.e. SR-1 or SR-2. When prompted, extract it into your
MS Schedule+ folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office).
sp7y2k.exe 631k Schedule+ Version 7.0 Year 2000 Software Update. more info
Although Schedule+ comes with MS Office it is not updated by MS Office
patches, i.e. SR-1 or SR-2. When prompted, extract it into your
MS Schedule+ folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office).
o97dtfix.exe 181k Outlook 97 Import and Export update. This update is included
into the latest version of Microsoft Office 97 SR-2 - SR-2b. When
prompted, extract it into your %MS Outlook 97 folder%\Convert folder
(e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Convert). more info
(Note, that analogous update for Outlook 98 has been included into the
Microsoft Office 97 SR-2 since SR-2 was released.)
msjtwng.exe 664k Microsoft Jet 3.0 update. See more info about Microsoft Jet
Database Engine releases. "The Msjtwng.exe file contains an update of
four .dll files that are included with Microsoft Access for Windows 95
version 7.0, Microsoft Visual Basic version 4.0, and Microsoft Windows
NT version 4.0." Please note non-compliant .dll files come with
MS Office 97 too and are not updated even by SR-2b. This update
comes with Jet DLL msjt3032.dll version 3.000.5226. When prompted,
extract it into your %windir%\System folder (e.g. C:\Windows\System,
C:\Winnt\System32 for Nindows NT systems).
Jet35sp3.exe 1.29MB Microsoft Jet 3.51 Service Pack 3 release 2 contains latest versions
of Microsoft Jet Database Engine .dll files and JETCOMP.EXE utility.
See more info about Microsoft Jet Database Engine releases. This update
is optional, if either Microsoft Jet 3.51 Service Pack 2 or the latest
version of Microsoft Office 97 SR-2 - SR-2b was applied. SR-2b includes
MS Jet 3.51 SP2 and either one replaces all Jet .dll files with
compliant versions. more info
jet40sp3.exe 1.55MB Updated Version of Microsoft Jet 4.0. See more info about Microsoft Jet
Database Engine releases. "Users with Microsoft Jet 4.0
version 2521.09 or version 2808.00 are advised to upgrade to
MDAC (GA) before applying this service pack." more info
mdac_typ.exe 6.19MB The Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.1 Service
Pack (SP) 2, which is referred to as MDAC (GA). more info
O95y2k.exe 5.43MB Office 95 Year 2000 Update. more info 18.0MB Netscape Communicator (32-bit complete install) 4.7
Before installing version 4.7, make sure you have setup file for
older version within 4.5-4.61 range. Those versions are compliant too.
Some machines start behave weirdly after upgrading to 4.7 and
turn back working normal after rolling back. (Download site changed to
ZDnet ftp on 12/25/1999 because all Netscape ftp sites are down.) 64.4MB Customized full version of Internet Explorer 5 contains several
enhancements, including bookmarks to key places on ZDnet. A generic
(non-customized) but newer version 5.01 is available from Microsoft.
dcom95.exe 1.17MB DCOM95 for Windows 95, version 1.3. This distribution contains more
recent dll's than the one included into VM package. more info
MSJavx86.exe 5.2MB new version! Microsoft Virtual Machine (VM) build 3240 (the latest).
It can be used with IE 4.01 SP2 or later (i.e. compliant version
of Internet Explorer). This is the latest build for Microsoft SDK
for Java version 4. More info about this build and VM Y2K compliance
msjavx86.exe 5.2MB new version! Microsoft Virtual Machine (VM) build 3193. This is the
latest build for Microsoft SDK for Java version 3.2. more info
msjavx86.exe 5.0MB new version! Microsoft Virtual Machine (VM) build 2445. This is the
latest build for Microsoft SDK for Java version 2.02. more info 3.45MB Lotus 1-2-3 Release 5.0/5.01 Y2K Update. more info
Updated: February 21, 2000 |
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